Lock those cars, Stoneybrooke!

If you only do two things at night (in addition to brushing your teeth), lock your vehicles and roll up your windows.  Make it part of your evening routine. If you don’t check it, someone else (not of your choosing) will.

I moved into Stoneybrooke in 2008, and we quickly learned about the complimentary o’ dark thirty car door lock checking service, and reports of this activity appear to be on the rise.

What to do

If you have had your vehicle rummaged through (and perhaps even had items stolen), please call the Fairfax Non-Emergency line at 703-691-2131 and report it.  Through the power of social media (Thanks Stoneybrooke Facebook page), residents have been able to share reports and even surveillance videos with police and the rest of the community.

5 Tips to Keep Stoneybrooke Safe

Thank you to all residents who take the effort and initiative to help keep Stoneybrooke safe by:

  1. Turn on ALL outside lights at or around dusk. A criminal wants a dark yard to work in.
  2. Install motion sensor lights and/or outdoor security cameras
  3. Ensuring the canopy on trees in your yard is high enough to allow light to penetrate the area and likewise all shrubs should be trimmed on the bottom for 6- 8 inches of ground clearance. This is so if someone is hiding you can see feet and be prepared.
  4. Get out and walk around the neighborhood with your pet
  5. Regularly lock your vehicles when parked and each evening as part of your routine.
Interested in getting more involved?

We do have a need for additional neighborhood watch coordinators to help out neighborhood watch lead. We’ll have more information available and be available to talk at the upcoming SCA meeting on Thursday September 21 at 7:00PM in Stone Mansion.


Here are some web resources you may find useful if adding a home security camera is an option for you:

Please share any other resources or tips you may have. We would welcome any knowledgeable individuals on equipment, installation, or best practices to share their information to the neighborhood.

Upcoming 2017 SCA events:

Thursday September 21 – Our fall community meeting will highlight local community events and is an opportunity for you to share with the SCA your ideas for our community. Supervisor Jeff McKay is also scheduled to visit us during this meeting.  We’re also seeking a volunteer to join the SCA Board to fill the position of Vice Chairman and always looking for volunteers to lead specific event planning and coordination.  7:00p at Stone Mansion

Saturday October 7 – Fall community yard sale. Held on the first Saturday each May and October, the SCA puts out online advertisements and signs locally to encourage yard sale aficionados to swing through.

Sunday October 29 – Due to the success of the 2016 event, we are looking forward to the second annual Howl and Prowl Parade. 4:00p in the neighborhood

TBD – Stoneybrooke Holiday Event. If you have any ideas or would like to volunteer, please reach out to us via the website or directly to scaboard@stoneybrooke.org — Thank you!

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