5 Reasons to Join the SCA

The Stoneybrooke Citizens Association (SCA) is a volunteer only organization.  The SCA:

  • Collects and shares current events from around the community through the Sentinel
  • Coordinates with local government organizations to speak at 3 annual neighborhood meetings
  • Plans, promotes, and hosts social and holiday events

Here are 5 great reasons to become an SCA member today!

  1. It’s only $20 for the whole year! That’s just $1.67 a month!
  2. Your dues go towards fun events that bring neighbors together and create fun memories for the kids.
  3. Did you know that you can only vote if you are a paying member?
  4. Having a nice website adds value in this digital age. Dues pay for web hosting fees.
  5. Dues money pays for upgrades like the new Stoneybrooke fencing.

I’m ready to join!

Our official charter: “promote the interests of the residents of Stoneybrooke subdivision in improving our community, and in promoting the growth and development of the children residing in Stoneybrooke subdivision, and in living in a friendly community” … Become a member today!


Welcome to Stoneybrooke!

Each summer, our neighborhood sees many of our homes change occupants. While we miss our friends and neighbors relocating elsewhere, we welcome our new neighbors into the community.

The first way residents and guests are welcomed into the neighborhood is through the Stoneybrooke stone walls. What may not be common knowledge, though, is that the walls sit on private lots. The Stoneybrooke Citizens Association (SCA) recently partnered with lot owners to complete upgrades to the fencing, replacing wood sections with a durable and easily maintained synthetic fence. The SCA values the welcoming appearance of the walls and looks forward to continuing this partnership with more upgrades being discussed. Additional information will be published in the August 2018 Sentinel (sign up for e-delivery)

Stoneybrooke Entry Sign Wall with Upgraded Fencing

Additionally, the SCA attempts to meet and welcome all new residents with a letter upon move-in; however, while completing the fencing project, I realized many have been missed over the past years. If you have a new(ish) neighbor, please let them know about the community association and its activities. All community members are encouraged to attend events and join the SCA. Annual membership dues of $20 are collected each September and help to fund upcoming events and upgrades.

Upcoming events

  • Tuesday, August 7th, 5–8pm – National Night Out (Stone Mansion Park at top of Stoneybrooke Lane)
  • Saturday, September 1st – Beginning of SCA’s fiscal year 2019 (renew membership)
  • Thursday, September 20th, 7:30pm – Community meeting at Stone Mansion (guest speaker TBD)
  • Sunday, September 30th, 4-6pm – Fall BBQ / Picnic (Old Quarry Terrace)
  • Saturday, October 6th, 8am–2pm – Fall Yard Sale
  • Sunday, October 28th, 4–5pm – 3rd Annual Howl and Prowl Halloween parade