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Annual Fall Picnic 2024

September 28, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Your neighbors on Stonebridge Court Cul-de-sac invite you to a Fall Picnic and Community Meeting on Saturday, September 28th starting at 4:30 PM. Come enjoy the cooler weather and meet some new friends.

Bring your own chairs, adult beverages, and cornhole boards! The bounce house will make
a return appearance, this time generously sponsored by Marshall Roofing. Guests are encouraged to sample the entrants into the 1st annual pie bake-off and chili cook-off competition before the community meeting and place their votes, as the winners will be announced at the conclusion of the meeting.

The brief community meeting portion will begin at 6 PM. Our meeting will have two primary purposes. First, we will hold a vote to elect new board members to the SCA Board. Second, we will issue announcements relevant to the community. Finally, winners of the cook-offs will be announced.

Chili Cook-off and Pie Bake-off at Fall Picnic

To enter the chili cook-off and/or pie bake-off, please email board@stoneybrooke.org OR text Samuel Posnock @ 817-308-6947 by Thursday, September 26th. Please provide your full name, which dish(es) you are entering, and your street number. Rules are as follows:

Set Up:

All participants should have their Chili and/or Pie set up and ready to serve on the
designated tables located at the Stonebridge Ct cul-de-sac by 5:00 PM. Each participant will find their designated spot marked by their name. SCA will provide 2 oz cups or small plates and spoons or forks but participants must be prepared to serve/distribute with proper serving utensils. There will NOT be a hookup for power for chili participants using crockpots.


The winner (Chili and Pie separately) of the cook off will be selected by popular vote. Each resident gets one ticket (vote, 1 each per competition) which you can pick up at the serving tables on the day of the event. Each dish will have a “ballot box” where residents can submit their ticket for their chosen dish. Tasting will occur between 5 and 6 PM. At approximately 6 PM the votes will be tallied and the winner decided. In the event of a tie, a panel of judges made up of board members will decide the winner.

Chili Rules:

For the chili cook-off, all chilis must be homemade and cooked within 24 hours of the
start of the competition and served HOT. Each participant may only submit one type of chili to the contest. All styles and flavors of chili are acceptable including meat-forward, bean-forward, vegetarian, or other. You will need enough chili to be sampled by ~40 potential residents in small 2 oz cups (A 6qt stockpot is typical, a full-size Crockpot is 6-7 quarts). SCA will provide cups and spoons for sampling, but you must come prepared to serve small samples. There will NOT be power hookups available to plug in a crockpot.

Pie Rules:

For the pie bake-off, all pies must be homemade but may use store-bought dough.
Sweet or savory pies will be accepted. Each participant may only submit one flavor of pie to the contest. You will need enough pieces to be sampled by 14 potential residents (Very thin slices!). We recommend baking more than one pie so more voters can sample your dish. SCA will provide plates and forks but you must come prepared to serve small samples of your pies to residents using proper serving utensils.


September 28, 2024
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Category:


September 28, 2024
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Category: