Memorial Day 2023 Celebration

Come celebrate Memorial Day with the neighborhood! Bring your chairs/blankets, beverages (NO glass, thanks!), and coolers!

On Monday, May 29 from 3-7pm at Stoneybrooke Park we will have a Memorial Day celebration.


3:00 pm Bike Parade. Decorate your bike, scooter, tricycle, wagon, stroller, wheelchair, etc. patriotically and take it for a few spins around the park.

3:30 pm Cornhole Tournament. We are hoping to have an adult and kid (13 & under) tournament. Find a partner, think of a team name, and sign-up by May 26 here. Prizes will be awarded.

4:30 pm Food. Potluck. Bring a main dish, side, or dessert to share with your neighbors.

6:00 pm Nerf Games. Bring your supplies for a variety of different games.

Link to Cornhole Tournament Sign-up:

Candy Cane 5K 2022

Date: Sunday, December 11

Time: 9:30-11:00am (Race starts at 9:30am)

Location: Food Truck area (Corner of Stoneybrooke Lane and Lamp Post Lane

Come join us to kick off the holiday season with a festive run, walk and roll. Be on the lookout for sweet treats along the route to motivate you to the finish line. Santa and his big red firetruck should be driving down Stoneybrooke around 10:30am. Come out to say hi!

Duck Donuts will be in attendance. Please see menu.

Hot chocolate will be provided thanks to the SCA!

Check out the race route. Follow the candy canes and be sure to stop to get sweet treats along the way. 

Halloween 2022: Monday, October 31, 5-8pm

Thank you for all that participated in the Facebook poll to determine the date for Halloween this year. From the results, we will keep Halloween on Monday, October 31 from 5-8pm. For the past two years, residents have set up tables outside of their homes near the sidewalk to create a safe setting for the kids to enjoy the night. We will continue this tradition this year! Can’t wait to see all the neighbors out celebrating. A map will be created so participating residents can state if they will be have allergy-friendly treats.

If you plan to participate in Stoneybrooke Halloween please fill out the following form to help gauge the number of participants.

DC Slices will be in attendance so stop by and grab a slice or a whole pie as you are trick-or-treating or passing out treats. Pre-ordering is available and walk-ups are also welcome.

We have 3 festive contests this year: 1) house decorating, 2) pet costume, and 3) pumpkin carving. Prizes will be awarded for each category. Start brainstorming to see how spooky, scary or silly you can be!

Submit only ONE picture per contest by October 31 here.

Here are our winners from 2021:


Please check out the neighborhood Facebook page for more updates about the event.