Memorial Day 2023 Celebration

Come celebrate Memorial Day with the neighborhood! Bring your chairs/blankets, beverages (NO glass, thanks!), and coolers!
On Monday, May 29 from 3-7pm at Stoneybrooke Park we will have a Memorial Day celebration.
3:00 pm Bike Parade. Decorate your bike, scooter, tricycle, wagon, stroller, wheelchair, etc. patriotically and take it for a few spins around the park.
3:30 pm Cornhole Tournament. We are hoping to have an adult and kid (13 & under) tournament. Find a partner, think of a team name, and sign-up by May 26 here. Prizes will be awarded.
4:30 pm Food. Potluck. Bring a main dish, side, or dessert to share with your neighbors.
6:00 pm Nerf Games. Bring your supplies for a variety of different games.
Link to Cornhole Tournament Sign-up: