Happy 2017!

Greetings Stoneybrooke and Happy 2017! I hope everyone found time over the past month to relax a bit and enjoy themselves with family and friends.  2016 was a busy year for our SCA as we’ve worked to re-establish a routine and making connections with our local leaders.

The Sentinel: We held meetings in May to elect our current SCA officers and in September we held our first community meeting.  From this meeting in September, the most important resolution was an agreement among the community to transition The Sentinel publication to a digital format (with an opt-in exception for members who would prefer a printed copy).  We are working to finalize this digital format and are always open to suggestions for content or looking for volunteers to assist with content generation and publication. If interested, please reach out to us!

Stoneybrooke Roads: Additionally, several action items came about from this meeting:

1) Several residents noticed traffic counters around the neighborhood and we received this response back from Supervisor McKay’s office: “VDOT reported back saying that traffic counts help to them maintain a database that satisfies a requirement of the Federal Government for the State to provide these numbers. It also helps VDOT determine traffic flow for regional planning, and to assist in decision-making for maintenance and construction projects as well as determining funding needed.  Secondary roads may be counted on a three, six, or twelve year cycle.  Primary roads are counted annually, and there are many sensors on our interstates that tally counts constantly. VDOT has recently outsourced the traffic counting, and this has caused a new methodology for secondary road counts.  The contractor now often puts down dozens of counting devices at a time in a given area, in order to gain efficiencies through the process.

2) Replacement of “No Access to Route 1”: As noted by one of our residents during the meeting, the sign at the entrance of our Stoneybrooke community appeared to have been damaged and needed to be replaced.  Again, Joan from Supervisor McKay’s office coordinated a replacement (image below).  We now have a brand new sign at our entrance.

Upcoming SCA meeting: We are looking to have a guest speaker from our local community at our next SCA meeting (specific date TBD), so please keep an eye out for an announcement.

SCA Events: In 2016, our hard working volunteers and neighbors were able to pull off some great events, which inlcuded the semi-annual yard sale, a block party, and a Halloween parade.  We are busy planning events for 2017 and are always open to ideas and welcome volunteers interested to assist!

Continuing Blog Posts: For 2017, I am making it a goal to increase our community outreach via blog posts. Some upcoming topics I look forward to sharing about include home security cameras (thanks to everyone who helped out with communications during the recent eggscapade), land use summaries, and any other community topics of interest. Please reach out to us if you have a specific topic you’d like to see or if you’re interested in contributing to our SCA blog.

Stoneybrooke 2016 [rescheduled] Fall Community Yard Sale is Saturday October 8, 2016

With last weekend’s yard sale a rain-out, the rescheduled date is this Saturday, 10/8, 8:00 A.M. through 2:00 P.M.

We’re hoping for the rain related to the Atlantic storm Matthew to be pushed back later into the day, so yard sale layouts will be at the discretion of each Stoneybrooke resident.

Potential yard sale participants are encouraged to reach out to our planning committee at yardsale@stoneybrooke.org  to be notified of any updates and future related events.  Please include your place of residence when contacting as a seller / Stoneybrooke resident.

For those interested shoppers, please find us on Stoneybrooke Lane in Alexandria off of South Kings Highway.  The address to Stone Mansion (a Fairfax County park) is 3900 Stoneybrooke Drive, Alexandria, VA 22036 and is a great address to plug into your GPS or favorite navigation app — our community is comprised of 246 residences and many of which choose to participate in our twice annual (Fall and Spring) yard sales.  Looking forward to having you visit!

Fall Block Party!

Fall Block Party

Your neighbors on Stone Mill Place Cul-de-sac invite you to a Fall Block Party on Sunday, October 9th starting at 3pm. Come enjoy the cooler weather and meet some new friends. Bring your own chairs and adult beverages and sign up to bring your favorite dish to share. There will be corn hole and games for the kids.

RSVP and Food Signup